
Season of Creation 2022

Season of Creation 2022

After our school celebrated the Season of Creation, it's important to reflect on the significance of this time and the impact it has had on our community. We came together to recognize the beauty of God's creation and to renew our commitment to protecting and preserving the environment.

Throughout the Season of Creation, we engaged in a variety of activities and events that fostered a greater appreciation for the natural world. We participated in tree-planting, clean-up initiatives, and educational workshops that helped us understand the importance of conservation and sustainability.

But our efforts don't stop here. As we move forward, let us continue to be mindful of our impact on the environment and take action to reduce our carbon footprint. Let us work together to build a more sustainable future for ourselves and for generations to come.

I want to thank everyone who participated in the Season of Creation and helped make it a success. Your dedication and commitment to protecting our planet are truly inspiring. Let us continue to work together to create a more just and sustainable world.

Contact Us

St Joseph Boys' Science Secondary School
P.O.BOX 113, Mwanga District
Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania

Headmaster:            +255758073551
Academic Master    +255754370854
Office 1                   +255653215240 
Office 2                    +255745395098